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Redefinition of Multi-Chain
Exposure: Mitosis Vault
Put your assets to work and scale with the growth of multi-chain DeFi. Provide liquidity to Mitosis L2 pools and start sharing the Mitosis Vault yield.
Experience Omni-Sourced Yield
Powered by EOL

Multi-chain DeFi entails multi-faceted yield opportunities. Navigate the complexities and stay ahead by earning from multiple networks in the comfort of one single asset. Learn more about miAsset and EOL.

Redefinition of Multi-Chain
Exposure: Mitosis Vault

Put your assets to work and scale with the growth of multi-chain DeFi. Provide liquidity to Mitosis L2 pools and start sharing the Mitosis Vault yield.

Stay Liquid.
Stay Composable

Mitosis imbues LPs with composability retention with miAssets, a 1:1 representation of the deposited assets. Unlock the utilization potential of your LP assets by participating in miAsset-based DeFi on Mitosis L1.

Join the Mitosis Expedition Now
miAsset: Introducing Omni-Sourced Yield
Powered by Ecosystem-Owned Liquidity (EOL), miAsset presents the new standard of LP yield management in the imminent, complex multi-chain era.

Start earning MITO Points, continue receiving existing rewards, and explore the miAsset DeFi ecosystem.
miAsset: Introducing Omni-Sourced Yield
Powered by Ecosystem-Owned Liquidity (EOL), miAsset presents the new standard of LP yield management in the imminent, complex multi-chain era.

Start earning MITO Points, continue receiving existing rewards, and explore the miAsset DeFi ecosystem.
How It Works
Deposit your asset and receive miAsset
Become eligible for privileges and benefits on Mitosis mainnet
Earn MITO Points by completing Missions and collecting Badges
Become eligible for privileges and benefits on Mitosis mainnet
Continue earning with the miAsset Omni-Sourced Yield
Become eligible for privileges and benefits on Mitosis mainnet
Become eligible for privileges and benefits on Mitosis mainnet
Add to Your Yield Stack with Mitosis Expedition
✓ Seamless Deposit/Withdrawal with miAsset

✓ Seamless Deposit/Withdrawal with miAsset

Deposit and receive miAsset. As simple as that. Let Mitosis securely bridge your assets to L2 rollups using its proprietary batching solution. Easily retrieve your asset by burning your miAsset.
✓ Add MITO Points to Your Earnings
Jump into Expedition and start earning your MITO Points. Boost up your earnings by depositing, making referrals, and collecting various Badges offered by the Expedition campaign. Become eligible to convert your MITO Points to the Mitosis governance tokens of the Mitosis protocol.
✓ miAsset DeFi Ecosystem on Mitosis L1 (Coming Soon)
Maximize your asset’s utilization by letting your miAssets earn on the Mitosis DeFi applications. Stay liquid and gain exposure in various DeFi use cases while adding a yield layer of multi-chain DeFi to your asset yield stack.
Mitosis is the first Ecosystem-Owned Liquidity protocol

that redefines conventional concepts within DeFi. Meet the future of maximized asset composability with Mitosis L1 applications leveraging miAssets.
Partnership with Hyperlane
Permissionless interoperability meets cross-chain liquidity = scalable, composable liquidity protocol for modular era
CosmWasm Hyperlane Development
For interoperability of future Celestia and Cosmos networks
The Expedition LP Campaign
Introduction of miAsset’s Omni-Sourced Yield
Incentivized Public Testnet
Various miAsset-based gamified programs to earn the Mitosis governance tokens on mainnet
Mitosis Mainnet
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Added Security from Restaked ETH
Crypto-economics applied to reinforce protocol security (Hyperlane AVS)
Built and supported
by believers of
a modular world